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Fond Créatif

Analysis and ethics. Experiments and technicality. Creativity and sensitivity.

Expression is liberated through continuous practice and incessant experimentation. Life is a source of wealth that the unconscious exploits creatively and art is an abundance of surprises. In creation, intention coupled with emotions counts, but the result remains unpredictable, not for lack of technique but rather for its discipline of experimentation. Inhale, exhale, inhale. Breath of each moment, bringing together body and soul, retrospective and introspective, it’s a process of cultural development, in which each creation brings its own value. From pencil to acrylic, from chalk to collages, from figurative to abstract. I’m not really into realism, I prefer the bizarre and the distorted contrasts, the figures of speech and the sensitive lines, colors and lights accentuating the atmosphere that I wish to convey. Sincerely, I find life as beautiful it seems perfect to me. That’s why very often I do not find the reason to represent what nature already achieves so well and, which I enjoy observing its unique aspect. So I prefer to create, let’s say rather assemble other chords, in order to continue to explore it, until this time surprising myself.

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You are

An individual or a cultural mediator, a gallery owner or a collector interested in a work in the gallery or in my approach and my pencil stroke. I’m available, at your disposal, also, for any collaboration or participation.

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